Home Button
Home Button repairs for devices with Touch ID. Home button replacements are a common iPhone repair. However, since the iPhone 5S with the implementation of Touch ID, replacing a home button will retain home button navigation, but Touch ID will be lost. The fingerprint sensor will not work because each home button is made to work specifically with each logic board. This is a security measure since Touch ID can be used with Apple pay and regulates access the device. The home button would work to bring you back to the home screen, long press for Siri, or double tap for multi-tasking. However anything related to the finger print sensor won't work such as Apple Pay, or entering the device using the sensor.

Reasons you may need your home button replaced.In some cases, a drop is bad enough to jolt the home buton or even tear the ribbon cable that attached it to phone. If this is the case, a new home button is necessary to navigate the device. A new button may also be needed if your iPhone no longer clickes, light presses always lead to Siri opening, or it may not register at all. If that's the case a new home button should bring back this navigation functionality. If you're local, feel free to stop by our store to get this quckly fixed. Otherwise, if you need us to come to you, just call or text us to set up an appointment.
RxTech Repair
27001 La Paz Road
Suite 402B
Mission Viejo, CA 92691